Bi-Annual Human Rights Review IOJK Jan — June 2022DOWNLOAD: BI-ANNUAL REVIEW 2022Jun 30, 2022Jun 30, 2022
What prevents India from ratifying Convention against Torture (CAT)Rizwan Asad Pandit, a 28-year-old school principal, was last year detained under Public Safety Act (PSA) — a detention without trial for…Jun 26, 2022Jun 26, 2022
Normalizing Extra Judicial Killings in IOJKOn June 19, 2022, Jammu and Kashmir Police announced that an encounter between Indian Armed forces and freedom fighters has erupted in…Jun 21, 2022Jun 21, 2022
To All New Mothers of Kashmirmabrook, you are a mouj now, be wise — prepare his headJun 9, 2022Jun 9, 2022
A Peep into the life of Former Hurriyat Conference and Resistance Leader: Shaheed Muhammad Ashraf…Muhammad MaazMay 5, 2022May 5, 2022
Dr. Qasim Faktoo: Exemplary Resolve and the tale of Perennial SufferingFrom a student to a life convict, it has been tough journey for senior Liberation Leader, Dr Aashiq Hussain Faktoo alias Dr Qasim who has…Apr 21, 2022Apr 21, 2022
The Shackles of Slavery will break IndeedHow do you place yourself in a situation when your oppressor comes with all guns blazing to make you forget your history and erase all the…Apr 20, 2022Apr 20, 2022